Saturday, April 3, 2010

the Easter bunny is a little scary

The Easter bunny made an appearance at our local CVS. We went to go see him. I tried to warn the girls that it was a big bunny that we were going to see. They were very happy about getting to do it. I wonder just what they were picturing in their heads when we were talking about seeing a really big easter bunny. Whatever it was they were picturing was nothing like what they actually saw. Mabel was a little startled when we walked in the door of the CVS and saw a giant white bunny with creepy eyes and a purple vest sitting all alone on a wicker chair. My plan was for them to sit on the bunny's lap, Santa-style, and have their picture taken. Their plan was to stand about fifteen feet away from the bunny and stare at it. I can hardly blame them. The bunny creeped me out a little too. There was something wrong with it's eyes. They were dark openings that did little to disguise the human eyes peeking out from within the bunny's head. And he didn't move much. He sat straight ahead with his head very still and his hands perched on the arm rests. Every now and then a hand would raise up and wave back and forth. I think it was trying to say hello. It was clearly a very nervous bunny. He made everyone around him nervous.
The girls and I managed a compromise, they sat on my lap while we got our picture taken next to the bunny and they didn't have to look at him or pet him.

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