Friday, September 25, 2009

potty training and dancing

We started on Monday. No more diapers when they are awake. That was my original plan anyway. I guess it's still evolving. After five days of running pantsless or naked in the kitchen for most of the day, Stella gets it. She's doing really great and doesn't like to put a diaper on anymore. She can control when she pees and gets a really worried look on her face when she has to do #2. Today she had only two accidents. She caught herself on the first one and finished in her little potty. The second one was a number two and I was getting the tub ready for their bath so I didn't catch it. But she did come running in to the bathroom saying "po-po! po-po!" over and over again. Stella wouldn't allow me to put a diaper on her for bed tonight so I put on her panties and laid her down for bed. I checked her at midnight and she was still dry. I'm so impressed!
Mabel isn't too interested in going potty. She won't sit for very long and she doesn't worry too much if her undies get wet. She does, however, point to the puddle and tell me that she went "pobby". I gave up temporarily and put her back in diapers yesterday. It seems easier to concentrate on one at a time. I tried to get her to go again this morning and learned that she will pee for m&m's. This is a promising discovery.

Yesterday was their first dance lesson at Nutmeg's. When we arrived at the studio, both girls were asleep in the car. It was a 90 minute drive and Stella was in underpants, so I rushed the girls into the studio and ran straight for the bathroom and sat her down on the toilet. It was all just a little too confusing for her and she refused to sit on the potty. They were not ready to be social so soon after being rudely woken up so they didn't participate in the dance class until it was nearly over. Just as they started to warm up to the whole thing, Stella peed on the dance floor. Oops. They really liked wearing the fairy wings and shaking the maracas. After dance class they had lots of fun playing in the waiting room and watching the 3 year olds dance.

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