Last weekend during our camping trip in Capitol Reef, Mabel decided it was time to make some real words. She was just bursting with vocabulary! She started naming everything we pointed out to her. Here's a list of what she says:
tree (dee)
car (cah)
deer (deh)
rice (ice)
apple (ap-po)
water (wa-wa)
uh-oh (uh-oh)
more (mo)
bye-bye (ba-ba)
baby (bay-bee)
daddy (da-da)
mamma (ma-ma)
stella (da-ya)
penguin (de-de - i don't get it either, but she's consistent)
cow (coh)
cracker ('ca-coh)
cheese (shhhh)
sticker (de-'kah)
shoe (shhhh - not to be confused with cheese, of course)
sock (sssss)
no (no! - with vigorous head shaking)
Stella is not one to be left out. Within a couple of days she began her own quest for words. Here's her vocabulary list:
cheese (shhhh)
shoe (shhhh - they sure sound the same, don't they...)
yes (yeh)
no (no - with gentle head shaking)
bye (ba)
dad (da)
mom (ma)
mabel (may)
baby (beh-beh)
car (cah)
cow (coh)
They have both learned a few more words in sign language during the past few weeks. We taught them the signs for eat, drink, and more in addition to the sign for all-done that they've been doing for months. They're really good at doing the signs and it is so nice to not have to guess at those things anymore.